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You searched Index 3: Title Word / Title String for "border patrols"

     1  border patrols
     1  border to
     1  border troops
     1  border troops'
     1  border-crossing,
     2  border/less
     1  border/less world
     1  borderland
     2  borderlands
     1  borderless
     7  borders
     1  borders condemns
     1  borders lesson
     1  borders raises
     1  boris
     1  boris johnson in china
     1  bork031119.htm
     1  bork040707.txt
     1  bork050527.htm
     7  born
     1  born again
     1  born from
     4  born in
     1  born in the u.s.a. some chinese plan it that way
     1  born-in-the-u-s-a-some-chinese-plan-it-that-way.htm
     1  borrowing
     1  borrowing sustains
     1  borrowing sustains middle classes in china's long march to p
     1  borrows
     1  borrows foreign

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
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